Bandana Print
If you have been searching for a custom bandana print, then BandanasOnline is the company that you have been looking for. We specialize in custom screen printed bandanas. Our custom bandanas are made by us using 68/60, 100% cotton broadcloth. We manufacture 23 different color bandanas and we offer water based screen printing on those bandanas. Our printing mentod for each bandana print is discharge, water based printing. This means that your silk screened bandanas will be extremely soft to the touch. We don’t make scratchy bandanas here!
And one of the premium features that we offer is all over screen printed bandanas. These are full print bandanas where your design covers the entire surface area of each bandana. Our typical turn-around time for custom silk screen printed bandanas is about 14 days. We handle every aspect of your order here in New Jersey.
Have you ever ordered a custom bandana?
No? No worries. Our internal bandana design team will help you create the perfect bandana for your event or gathering. Most customers start out being first time bandana ordering customers. That means that we’re used to working with bandana newbies.
Top 5 Things To Consider When Ordering Custom Bandanas
#1. Is The Bandana Soft?
The biggest question we get asked is if our bandanas are soft. At first we really didn’t understand this question. I mean, we knew that people wore the bandana but bandanas by nature are soft. There is a specific definition for a bandana that also includes the fabric that they are made from. Bandanas are cotton squares. However, it appears that of late, there are many “bandana suppliers” that are offering bandanas that are made from polyester or other inexpensive fabrics. With the glut of these inexpensive bandanas hitting the market, the waters have been diluted in terms of the quality of bandana available. Rest assured that we make our bandanas from 100% soft cotton.
#2. Is the Bandana Square?
Duh! Of course. But seriously, this is a question you have to ask! Virtually all imported bandanas are manufactured by hand and without the best manufacturing processes. Our bandanas are cut and sewn using a semi-autonomous process. That means that both people and machines are involved to ensure a high quality SQUARE bandana.
#3. Is the Bandana Print Soft?
What is the use of having a nice soft bandana if you put scratchy plastic ink on it? There is no use for that. That is why we only use water based pigment inks that leave our custom bandana prints with the softest feel possible. Beware of companies that use t-shirt ink on their bandanas. Not only do they print small bandanas, they print rough and scratchy bandanas.
#4. Is The Print The Right Size?
This one is no SMALL question. (See what we did there with the pun). Most companies that offer bandanas are not dedicated bandana manufacturing and printing companies. These companies are typically t-shirt companies that print bandanas and other items. Since the average width of a t-shirt print is 14″, most screen printers are setup for prints in the size range of 14″ to 16″, and that looks great on a t-shirt. Unfortunately, when yo uput a 14″ to 16″ on a 22″ bandana, you have a massive blank margin, that makes your bandana look funny. Traditional bandanas have a print that extends either to within 1″ inch of each bandana side, or it spills completely off of the bandana. Most screen printers, won’t be able to offer this capability. We print 20″ x 20″ on a 22″ x 22″ bandana and we offer off the edge. This means that we offer a classic bandana look as well as a custom fabric bandana look.
#5. How Long Is My Wait For A Custom Bandana?
If you are working with a company that offers imported (read not square and sometimes polyester) bandana, then you may have higher minimum orders and a wait time of 4 weeks or more. Since we handle 100% of all bandana manufacturing here in New Jersey, our typical turn-around for custom bandana work is in the range of 12-15 days. We offer rush service for those occasions when you really need them faster, let’s talk about it. (908) 806-8337. or email us.
If you have any additional questions or would like to talk to us about placing a custom bandana order, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or emailing us today!

Bandana Print