The Definitive Guide on Ordering Custom Bandanas
Custom bandanas are a fantastic promotional item for your business or special event. With virtually limitless appeal, bandanas are a one-size-fits-all item, that is affordable and have a wide range of uses.
The Many Uses of Custom Bandanas
Aside from the practical and traditional uses of bandanas, they have taken on a bunch of other niche uses and continue to expand in popularity.
Where as traditional uses of a bandana include, dust management for breathing on the ranch, perspiration control when working hard, and of course, the identification and decoration of one’s dog … bandanas are now breaking into new and different areas.
Fundraising Bandanas
Schools, Organizations and Non-Profits look to fundraising events to help offset their annual expenses. Each year they face the challenging task of determining which fundraiser is the best option to meet their their financial goals.
Fundraisers typically involve members of the fundraising group, promoting a useful and universal item for sale, of which, the proceeds benefit the fundraiser.
Traditionally, fundraisers have been centered around straight out donations, but sometimes around common and useful items.
Bandanas carry a wide range of uses, are easy to acquire and are reasonably priced, making them a fantastic option to either sell for a fundraising profit, or hand out as a donation thank you.
Event Bandanas
For decades, custom event t-shirts were the standard for any event. It was almost expected that if you signed up for the event, you would be receiving an event t-shirt. While I don’t believe that tradition will be going away, anytime soon, custom bandanas are starting to make headway in this area.
Unlike t-shirts, bandanas are a one-size-fits-all product. In this day and age, having to ask someone their clothing size is at the very least, uncomfortable. Guessing their size, is probably worse.
Since bandanas can be used by everyone regardless of clothing size, they make a great option to promote events.
We’ve seen a lot of event organizers use bandanas as maps for the event, identification for groups at team building events and as a give-away instead of a t-shirt.
Some organizations get double duty out of their custom bandanas because they serve as the event give-way and a functional item at the event. This helps lower cost and reduce post event waste.
Promotional Bandanas
Promotional marketing items have been a staple for companies for many years. Any time you can put your logo on something and give it to a potential customer is a great opportunity to make a new connection and educate them about your business.
Companies that attend trade shows spend thousands of dollars annual on promotional pens, magnets, calendars and other items. Unfortunately, most of those items end up lost or in the trash.
Custom bandanas however are a useful item that are often kept and used for years after an event is over. Even if someone uses your company as a rag, they are still reminded of your company when they see your logo.
Promotional bandanas can be tied to an event, such as when used as a map, a menu or an event schedule.

27” x 27” – Oversized Bandana
These oversized bandanas are simply huge. Measuring in at 27” x 27”, these behemeth bandanas can carry a print size of 25” x 25” giving that oversized classic 1” border.
Made from 100% cotton, these bandanas are available in 5 colors.
Triangular Bandanas
Our trinangular bandanas are 22” x 22” x 31”, and are essentially ½ of the 22” bandanas. Our triangular bandanas are also 100% cotton and are typically used for scouting and dogs.
The print sizes can go to within 1” of the edge, and these triangular bandanas are available in 26 different colors.

What Types of Bandanas are Available?
There are 4 types of bandanas that are available. Each have their own unique and special uses.
14” x 14” – Hankies
14” x 14” bandanas are actually designated as “hankies” but many people refer to them as small bandanas or napkins. These bandanas are available in a wide range of colors and are all 100% cotton.
If you are ordering under 300 hankies, the print zone is 12” x 12”, which give you a nice classic 1” border.
These hankies are great for their namesake of being used as a hankie, and are great for custom napkins for weddings or other events that require table linens.
Hankies are available in 26 different colors.
22” x 22” – Classic Bandana
Our 22” x 22” bandanas are by far the most popular bandana option. When people think about a bandana, this is the size that they have in mind. 22” x 22” bandanas are “Classic Bandanas”.
When you see bandanas used around someone’s head, around a dogs neck, hanging out of their pocket or around someone’s face, these are the size bandanas that are being used for those purposes.
These 22” bandanas are 100% cotton and have a print area of 20” x 20”, which gives you that classic 1” bandana border and look. They are fully customizable and can have any design that you would like.
How Much do Custom Bandanas Cost?
We probably should have put this question first, because of course, it’s the #1 most asked question. The answer is going to surprise you, because it’s not as much as you might expect, especially for a custom made product.
We believe in 100% price transparency and we publish all of our bandana pricing online.
As a quick point of reference, and at the time of this writing, ordering 72 bandanas with a 1 color custom print, would carry a $40.00 setup charge and each bandana would be $4.95.
We have a low minimum order of just 36 bandanas, where 1 color designs are $10.95 each.
Custom bandanas are more affordable than ever with 3 dozen being the minimum order.

How Do I Design a Custom Bandana?
The bandana design process starts out with your design concept and desktop publishing software. Some of the more common design programs that our customers have used to design their custom bandana have been: Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, Affinity Designer, InkScape and Procreate.
If you don’t fancy yourself an artist or a designer, that’s not a problem, we have an in-house art staff that can design your custom bandana for you.
If you want to give it a try, we offer free bandana templates that you can download and import into any of the programs mentioned above.
How are Custom Bandanas Made?
Bandanas are one of the easiest items to manufacture. We make our bandanas right here in New Jersey.
The process of manufacturing a bandana starts out with the fabric selection. We order all of our fabric from Canada. The fabric comes in on large rolls, pre-dyed the colors that we offer.
We cut the fabric into squares slightly larger than 22” x 22”. After cut, our sewing staff uses a Merrowing Machine to cut and stitch each of the 4 edges.
We make about 4,000 bandanas of every color and we stock them in our warehouse. Then as customers order them, we pull from inventory and decorate them as requested. Once we get down to about 1,000 of a color, we begin making more.
Water-based Screen Printing Bandanas
The method of decoration that we use is water-based screen printing. We are capable of printing up to 10 colors on a bandana, however most of the designs that we do are 1 or 2 colors at most.
Off The Edge Bandana Printing
If your bandana order is over 300 bandanas, a new design option becomes available. We offer oversized or “Off The Edge” printing for orders above 300.
When your bandana is printed completely off the edge, the end result is similar to having custom fabric made. Typically a customer will request a repeating pattern, but any design option is available.
How To Place an Order
To get started with a custom bandana order, you can fill out our customer contact form and we’ll reach out to you to get started. You can also give us a call (908) 806-8337.